11 Feb 2019 developments.” That is not the situation in this case. The Rocky Hill Coal Project is State significant development within the meaning of s
6 Aug 2020 Future mining projects in NSW will happen (with restrictions) under new The Land and Environment Court's refusal of the Rocky Hill mine project, and the The progress of this bill has stalled and it is currently unclear when
22 Oct 2019 A judge in 2017 found the Rocky Hill project would increase global and policy to the situation that existed prior to the Rocky Hill decision and
13 Mar 2019 Until a month ago, no coal mine project in Australia had been refused Preston CJ found that the visual impact of the Rocky Hill Coal Project will be prior Australian and international case examples in support of the position
24 Feb 2019 to grant consent to an open cut mine at Rocky Hill within the Gloucester Valley. for Planning for development consent for the Rocky Hill Coal Project, any specific situation or proposal, before making any final decision.
Project Status. The Rocky Hill Coal Project was the result of extensive exploration , geological modelling, mine planning and environmental studies
14 Dec 2017 Current status of project: Referral Received: 23/10/2017 Determination Report Rocky Hill Coal Project FINAL. 14.12.2017 | pdf | 417.6 KB
10 Feb 2019 The Rocky Hill Coal Project is “State significant development” within the lighting, when activated, would be a change to the existing situation”.
The Rocky Hill Coal Project is a proposed open-cut coal mine loed approximately 100 km north of Newcastle, New South Wales. The project occurs within the
13 Feb 2019 In the case of the Rocky Hill Coal Project, the aggregate GHG emissions over the life of the Project are sizeable, although the Project is not one
ROCKY HILL RESOURCES 2018: Rocky Hill Refused: The Planning Assessment Commission has rejected the Rocky Hill Coal Project - CLICK HERE
29 Mar 2019 Proponents seeking approval for new projects, or modifiions of The Rocky Hill Mine Project case involved a proposed new open cut coal
11 Feb 2019 Eliwana, Iron Bridge to maintain Fortescue's low-cost status · MCA to create Gloucester has been developing the Rocky Hill coal mine for several refused the mine in December 2017, finding that the project was not in the
The Rocky Hill Coal Project (RHCP) was to be a comparatively small, modern Project life: up to 21 years; Project status: The EIS as exhibited in late 2013 was
Welcome to the Gloucester Resources Limited (GRL) Exploration Project community about GRL and the status of its exploration activities in the Gloucester area. For information about GRL's formerly proposed Rocky Hill Coal mine, near
14 Dec 2017 Rocky Hill Coal Mine. Rocky Hill Coal. Current Status: Determination. Interact with the stages for their names. SEARs SEARs; Prepare EIS
19 Feb 2019 The proposed Rocky Hill Coal Project aimed to produce 21 million tonnes of and incrementally advance progress in tackling climate change.
The “Rocky Hill Coal Project” would produce 21 million tons of coal over up to 21 Groundswell raised that the “Rocky Hill” mine project is incompatible with the
26 Feb 2019 The court further stated it was not endorsing a blanket policy position that The Rocky Hill coal mine planned for the mining of 21 million tonnes of Having regard to all of the emissions of the project (scope 1, 2 and 3), the
22 Mar 2019 Georgetown Law continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and into a mining proposal known as the Rocky Hill Coal Project (the Project).
Project Status. The Rocky Hill Coal Project was the result of extensive exploration , geological modelling, mine planning and environmental studies
The mine was known as the “Rocky Hill Mine Project“. The impacts of the mine on climate change were only raised in the appeal because The filing of the notice gave GRL a further 2 months to consider its position in regard to any appeal.
17 Feb 2019 The Rocky Hill coal mine case is being hailed as a landmark in "climate as a landmark – not just for its direct effect on the Rocky Hill project, but "You have to disclose the impact of that risk on your financial position, your
27 Sep 2019 Proponents of new and expansion coal mine projects face increased scrutiny to facilitate Rocky Hill was a recent landmark decision of the NSW Land and The IPC held this position despite an independent assessment
22 Mar 2019 Assessment Commission's refusal of the Rocky Hill Coal Project was Ultimately the Court felt the impacts of the Project outweighed any
Status: Decided. Case egories: The Department of Planning denied the Rocky Hill Coal Project appliion in December 2017. After Gloucester Resources
12 Feb 2019 In an Australian first, development consent for a new coal mine was refused as the Rocky Hill Coal Project, outweighed the public benefits of the Project. 11 Wollar Property Progress Association v Wilpinjong Coal Pty Ltd
8 Jul 2018 SSD5156 for the amended Rocky Hill Coal Project is determined by Bulga Milbrodale Progress Association Inc v Minister for. Planning and
17 Feb 2020 In 2019, the proposed Rocky Hill coal mine in NSW was rejected in a landmark court decision in part The judgment stopping the mining project near Gloucester in the Manning Valley on the Project Status, Stopped.
15 Feb 2019 The Rocky Hill Coal Project (Project) was expected to produce 21 million Mining, resources, energy and any other projects in NSW, which could Wollar Property Progress Association Inc v Wilpinjong Coal Pty Ltd [2018]