The freeze lining microstructure forming on water cooled steel surface in a high- silica, slag cleaning furnace slag of a direct-to-blister copper smelter is mostly
17 Aug 2015 ) and carbon content may be observed in the chemical composition of the slag material. The content of metals includes a wide range of
3 May 2014 The use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), e.g., fly ash (FA), granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS), silica fume (SF), and activated
14 Feb 2020 Copper smelting slag usually contains about 1% copper and 40% iron depending on the initial ore quality and furnace type. Significant amounts
The chemical composition of copper slag varies with the type of furnace. The typical composition of smelting slags is Fe (as FeO, Fe3O4) 30–40%; SiO2
Copper smelter slags have seen limited use mainly as bulk products for road The Teniente Converter slag is transferred to a slag cleaning furnace (HLE),
Keywords: slag cleaning, stirring mode, copper slag, submerged arc furnace, After matte smelting and standard slag cleaning in submerged arc furnaces
18 Apr 2014 In the present study, using an infrared furnace, the crystallization behavior of copper smelter slag with regard to obtaining a TTT diagram.
This chapter aims to give an overview of how copper slag mineralogy reduced because of poor conservation: the superstructure of furnaces is a good example.
slag, copper slag, imperial smelting furnace slag (ISF slag), blast furnace slag, been conducted using waste foundry sand and copper slag as fine aggregate
25 May 2017 The copper slag used in this study was the electric furnace slag from the Yunnan copper factory; its chemical composition is shown in Table 2.
The electric furnace in Codelco Norte Smelter has been designed originally as slag/matte separator and slag cleaning unit. For various reasons the furnace
The impoverished slag can still be recycled to the furnace (with fairly minimal disruption to the existing process, and with the benefit of reduced quantities of
7 Oct 2020 The chemical composition of copper slag depends on the treatment process and furnace type, and is typically 30-40% Fe, 35-40% SiO 2
5 Dec 2019 When heated by furnace thermal radiation,(37) copper slag will be reduced from the outer layer to the inner layer. CO and CO2 as products will
17 Jan 2020 This research was intended to recovery Fe-Cu alloy, raw material of zinc and produce reformed slag like a blast furnace slag for blast furnace slag
15 Apr 2020 Blast furnace slag, coming from the melting of copper ore, subjected to rapid cooling and subsequent selection, It is without free silica and not
J. Metal, 1999] reported the treatment of ancient Kure copper slag containing and 3.51% copper by carbothermal reduction process in a DC arc furnace (open
Metal content such as Cu, Fe is higher in the copper ashes, reach 0.8%~1.2% as the copper content in the copper smelting-furnace slag of Yunnan Copper
21 Sep 2012 The electric furnace or rotary slag-cleaning furnace are now generally used to perform this task, giving a level of copper in discard slag typically in
The steel pot was put into the muffle furnace (model: KSY-12-18) while the reducing temperature was elevated to the target value. When the reduction time was
silica is added producing slag that is sent to the slag cleaning furnaces, and (2) the copper contained in the matte sulfides [].
8 Feb 2020 Copper slag and stainless steel slag of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) are two typical metallurgical solid wastes, which contain a large number of
Copper slag that is derived by smelting of copper concentrates in a reverberatory furnace is referred to as reverberatory copper slag.(1). Phosphorus Slag.
However, 40% replacement of quarry sand with iron slag or copper slag furnace slag as fine aggregates in concrete on the compressive strength, flexural
Key words: copper smelter slag; cyanidation; gold; silver order, and slags in the copper and iron dissolution from reverberatory and flash furnace slags.
1 May 2007 Materials and methods: The raw materials - limestone, copper slag, granulated blast furnace slag and bauxite were characterised for their
Copper smelting slag typically contains about 1 wt.% copper and 40 wt.% iron depending upon the initial ore quality and the furnace type. Main components.
The present work considers the white metal copper roasting, produced in fluidized bed, using a conventional melting furnace operated with temperature range.
Slags, copper refining. Mainly copper, copper oxides, some oxides of lead and minor metals, skimmed from the anode furnace and returned to the converter. converter slag. Registration dossier. flash furnace slag. Registration dossier. slag .