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Based in Béthune, Northern France, POITTEMILL AND FORPLEX are engineering companies specializing Mixing - Homogenizing - Milling - Grinding - Drying It combines three physical principles that generate efficient ultra-fine grinding.
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Milling/Communiion Process. The mills are designed to run at tip speeds between 10 and 15 m/s and are capable of operating with very dense grinding media.
The variety of grinding tools (plates, liners) when associated with a variable speed static and dynamic classifier guarantees a high quality ultra-fine finished
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Ultrafine grinding (UFG) has continued to evolve in terms of equipment development. Vertimill®, Outotec's High Intensity Grinding (HIG)® mill, and the Metprotech mill. by Rohm Haas in France [Ed.: now part of Dow Chemical Company].
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